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Staff Assembly Volunteer Form

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The Staff Assembly Executive Board invites you to volunteer for any of the standing committees that interest you. These committees are responsible for the many beneficial programs that promote the interests and well-being of career staff employees. Participation is a great way to give back to the campus community.

To volunteer, please review the list of the available committees and fill out the contact information form. Note that committees range in time commitment, please note the time commitment designation (Low-high).
  • General Volunteer: General volunteers do not wish to be members of specific committees but would like to be contacted throughout the year with various volunteer opportunities. (Low)
  • Elections: Coordinates the annual election of Staff Assembly Executive Board members. The Staff Assembly election occurs each spring. (Low)
  • Marketing: Helps to create marketing materials for all Staff Assembly events and programs. (Low)
  • Scholarships: Coordinates the quarterly Scholarship process, including application, selection, and awarding of funds. (Medium)
  • Outreach: Assists the Outreach Chair create ways to connect with departments that cannot take part in our regularly scheduled Staff Assembly events. (Medium)
  • Fundraising: Assists the Director of Fundraising with planning and coordinating fundraising activities to fund Staff Enrichment Scholarships and the general staff assembly operating budget. (High)
  • Social: Assists the Director of Events with planning various social events throughout the year. These events can be large events like the staff carnival or small events like staff gatherings before UCR Basketball games. (High)
  • Ambassador: Serves as a liaison to staff in their departments to help spread the word about Staff Assembly events and programs. (Medium-Low)
  • Recognition: Plans and coordinates the annual Staff Recognition Ceremony and the selection of Staff Excellence awards. This committee also selects the monthly winner of the Get Recognized nomination program. (High)
1. Contact Information
6. Which committee(s) are you interested in joining? (Select all that apply) *This question is required.
7. Are you interested in being Vice-Chair of any of the committee(s) you selected? *This question is required.
8. Have you been on a committee before? *This question is required.
Which committee(s) have you been a member of in the past? (Select all that apply)
*This question is required.